Monday, May 31, 2010


My friend from the City of Brotherly Love came to visit me this weekend and we planned a girls night in on Saturday doing what else, but eat and have a Bridget Jones marathon... yes!  We couldn't decide between Asian or Mexican food so we did both.  We made spring rolls with a twist with some grilled chicken and shrimp.  I spiced up some steaks with a coco/cinnamon/chili rub and complimented it with my famous chunky salsa.  Traditionally, I add avocado to my salsa, but there weren't any ripe ones at the supermarket :( so I changed it up a bit with some yummy diced mangos.  The sweet and sour combination paired perfectly with the steaks, which had just that hint of heat.  And yes, you read correctly, I did add cocoa to the steak rub!  Crazy, right?  Not really.  I had a Mexican hot cocoa once at Max Brenner, which was surprisingly (and quite pleasantly) spicy with that hint of chili powder, so I figured, why can't I add cocoa powder to chili?  The cocoa mixed with the cinnamon and chili gives the steak a nice smokey, flavorful crust.  While the cocoa melds with the meat and gives it a melt-in-your-mouth effect, the chili balances the exotic, unexpected tastes, resulting in a flavor explosion that begs for the company of some mango salsa.  I love going out in NYC, but sometimes chez moi with some good friends, good food, and Miss Jones isn't so bad.

1 comment:

  1. God bless Koeun for being a Bridget Jone's fan with you! I will try watching it again with you without falling asleep! :)
